In order to keep campus safe, the College has adopted regulations that outline appropriate guidelines for safe, courteous, and orderly vehicle operation and parking. It is the responsibility of all drivers to know and follow these regulations. Usage fees apply.

All employees and students — full- and part-time — and vendors must register their motor vehicle with the Office of Public Safety and obtain and display a parking permit. This includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, and motorscooters. If you’re using a different vehicle from the one registered, please inform the Office of Public Safety so they may add that vehicle to your profile and contact you when needed. 

All permits remain the property of Carthage College and, when asked, must be surrendered. A parking permit becomes invalid when the registered student graduates, withdraws, or changes residency status. Permits may not be sold or transferred from student to student or employee to student, or vice versa. Faculty and staff must surrender parking permits to the Office of Human Resources when employment ends.

Apply for a parking permit

See parking permit prices for 2024-25

Permit Types

Penalties for Parking in Handicap, Bus, and Unregistered/Unauthorized Vehicle Parking on Campus

Unauthorized parking in a space designated for individuals with proper handicap permits, a bus stop, reserved spaces, guests of the President’s Office, admissions guests, or unregistered/unauthorized parking (uninvited parking on campus without a permit) is a violation of Carthage policy, state statutes and city/county ordinances. These vehicles may be subject to ticketing and/or towing by both Carthage College and/or the Kenosha Police Department.

Individual employees seeking information related to securing handicap parking privileges will need to communicate with Human Resources, and students will need to communicate with Public Safety. Handicap parking approval must be obtained annually by all employees and students.

Parking Violation Citations and Fine Structure

Public Safety reserves the right to tow any illegally or improperly parked vehicle without notice. This structure is subject to change at any time by the College. Any unauthorized vehicles parked in a handicapped space, restricted spaces (ex: guests of the president or admissions guests) or reserved spaces, or on-campus grounds are automatically elevated in the moving violations and/or parking citations and related fine structure.

The table below highlights the parking citations and associated fines/charges and other actions taken for parking violations:

Citation # Citation Charge Towing Charge Tow Location Other Actions
1 $35      
2 $70      
3 $110     Registered owner receives notification
4 $150 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing
Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144
Registered owner receives notification
5 $200 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Registered owner receives notification
6 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Registered owner receives notification
7 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing
Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144
Referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply with College policy
8 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply with College policy
9 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Parking permit REVOKED*

*A parking permit being revoked means your privileges to park on campus property are removed. Any permit holder will have to surrender their permit. Failure to surrender your permit will result in a referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply. If said vehicle is identified on campus, it will be immediately towed to Jensen’s Impound Lot.

Parking Lot Information

See parking lot map